A Chair for My Mother
Vocabulary words
-bargain -spoiled -boost -wrapped -thrifty -allowance
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
-students will be able to identiy the cause and effect in a story.
Day 1:
-introduce vocabulary words and go over meanings for all of them. Have students play word and definition match up to see if they can figure out the meanings of the words. review the correct match up of the words and definitions.
-have students work in groups complete vocabulary squares for the words.
-tell the students a story about causes and effects. for example, if your shoe is untied you will trip. the shoe being untied being the cause and the tripping being the effect.
Day 2:
-students continue working on vocabulary squares to review vocabulary words.
-go over more causes and effects in real life. explain to students that in stories there are also cuases and effects.
-do a book walk of the story a chair for my mother. have students make predictions about the story. students share responses with their elbow partner.
-read the story whole group.
-discuss why the family was saving money.
-have students share with their partner what happened in the story.
-go over story elements. Setting, characters, plot. make an anchor chart of story elements.
day 3:
-review vocabulary words and meanings with the class whole group.
-create a multi-flow map of the causes and effects in the story. Cause: the fire that happened in their home. effect: saving money and getting a new chair.
-have students share the cause and effect with the use of their multi-flow map.
-have students write about the cause and effect.
use the sentence frame :
rosa and her family because .
-students share their writing with their elbow partner.
Day 4:
-have students play charades using the vocabulary words. students choose a word to act out and the the audience guesses the vocabulary word that is being acted out.
-Have students discuss if they have every saved their money for something.
-in groups, students will create web map of different things families save for. students will do a rally table with the bubble map. each student in the group with write an idea in a bubble, when the teacher gives a signal(after about 3 minutes) they rotate papers clockwise and add a to the new paper they have been given.
Day 5:
-students will create a writing sharing what they, or their family, are saving up for.
-have students share their writing with their elbow partner.
-students will create a painting using water colors like the illustrator used in the book.