The Last Stop on Market Street

Vocabulary words
-freckeled -plucked -lurched -creaked -tuning -sighed
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
-students will be able to identify words with the suffix -ed.
-students will be able to identify the sotry elements.
Day 1:
-who has ridden the bus before?​
-Students think-pair-share responses
-Introduce vocablary words. have students complete vocabulary
squares in groups of four for each word.
-Introduce linguistic feature of the week. Past tense Marker -ed.
make a chart with words with past tense suffix -ed. words from the
story. Ex. sagged, sighed, asked, lurched, stopped, laughed, pointed
Day 2:
-review vocabualry words
-Have students create a t-chart with words with the past-tense -ed marker
-do a book walk of the book making predictions about what might happen in the story. Have students think-pair-share what they think. Pick-a-stick to have students share responses with the class. Chart student responses.
-read the story aloud, checking to see if student responses were accurate.
-introduce reading strategy for the week: taking look at the illustrations to describe the setting, characters, or events.
-create a chart with story elements. the Setting, the characters, and the events.
Day 3:
-Students will play memory game, matching the vocabulary words with their definitions.
-reread the book. How did cj's feelings change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. how does his mood change? make a flow map of his feelings at the beginning and the end.
Day 4:
-have students play charades with vocabulary words. One student acts it out then the audience tries to guess what word it is. Students can shout out
-Students explore the character traits for both cj and grandma. complete a bubble map for each character. TEACHER WILL MODEL WITH THE BUBBLE MAP ABOUT CJ'S CHARACTER TRAITS.
DAY 5:
-DISCUSS HOW the illustrations help the author convey the theme that there is beauty everywhere.
-have students think-pair-share what is unique about the illustrations in the book. What kind of art is it?
-explore a place that is not considered beautiful in the school. have the students draw that place showing its beauty in the same style that the illustrator chose in the story.

Feelings at the beginning
Feelings at the end