here are some lessons that are tied to culturally relevant literature, but also include cultrually relevant strategies and include mini lessons on linguistic features. The estimated time for these lessons is a week.
Click on a book to check out the lessons!
The Last Stop on Market Street
Cj wondered why he and his grandma didn't own a car like his friends and had to to take the bus. He also wondered why they got off on the dirty part of town. His grandma also had an answer that helped him see the beauty in the world around them.
Chocolate me
A boy is teased about the color of his hair and the color of his skin. His mother helps him realize how beautiful he truly is.
A Chair for my Mother
After their home burns down, a girl and a grandmother save their coins to buy a new comfortable chair to relax in.
I love my hair
Keyana doesn't like it when her mother tugs and pulls on her head when she is trying to style it. Her mom assures her that her hair is beautiful and she can style it any way she wants.
While riding a bus through new york city, a little girl imagines that they are flying over the town and sights of the city.

I'm new here
Children from different countries share their difficulties being a new student in a new country.
with the encouragement from their teachers and peers things start to turn around.

I love Saturdays y domingos
We follow a girl through saturday with her european american grandparents and sundays with her mexican-american grandparents. both of her heritages are celebrated in this story.

el barrio
A young boy explores his neighborhood and they are preparing for a quienceanera. he explores the vibrant rhythyms of the neighborhood.
The Name Jar
A new student from korea is having a hard time because nobody can pronounce her name. Her classmates work together to make her comfortable with her korean name.