I'm New Here
Vocabulary Words
-community -tremble -flow -confused -scribbles
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
-students will be able to compare and contrast the characters experiences.
-students will be able to identify root words in word families.
Day 1:
-introduce vocabulary words and meanings. discuss root words and word families. create a tree map with the root words of the vocabulary words and the words that belong in that family.
ex. tremble, trembled, trembling, trembles
flow, flowing, flowed, flows
confuse, confused, confusing, confuses,
scribble, scribbled, scribbling, scribbles
Day 2:
-Review vocabulary have students share their tree maps with a partner.
-use the frayer model to review vocabulary words. have students work in cooperatives to create a poster of the frayer model with a vocabulary word of their choice (5 groups). Do a gallery walk so students can see all of words represented.
-have students discuss. how they felt on their first day of school. how do you think it would feel to be a new student in a new classroom? how do you think it would feel to be i new student in a new country?
have students think pair share their thoughts.
-introduce the story. do a book walk taking a look at the pictures. What do you think this story is about? have students discuss their predictions.
-read the story
Day 3:
-reread the story. stopping periodically to ask students how they might feel in the situations depicted in the story.
- Compare and contrast how the kids in the book did back home and how they felt here.
as a whole group, do one student from the book with the class. use a double bubble map.
-have class work in groups to complete a double bubble map using another character in the story. depicting what the character did back home and what the character does here.
Day 4:
-students will do charades to review the meanings of the vocabulary words. one student will act out the word at a time. the audience will try to guess what word they are acting out. students can do a shout-out(where all students shout out the word at the same time) of the answer.
-have students finish their bubble maps from the previous day, if they have not done so.
-model for students how to turn the bubble maps into a writing.
use sentence frames such as jin .back home. here he .
Day 5:
-have students finish their writing from the previous day.
-students will create an illustration to go along with their writing.
-Talk about the dialogue bubbles used in the story. have students include some of their own dialogue bubbles in their own illustrations.