Chocolate Me!
Vocabulary words
-poofy -comb -squirmed -giggled -velvet -delicious
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
-students will be able to identify character traits.
-students will be able identify meanings of unknown words.
Day 1:
-introduce vocabulary words. complete tovaculary squares with the words. Teacher models how to do one vocabulary word. Students work in cooperative groups to complete the rest of vocabulary words.
-introduce linguistic feature of the week: 'cause vs. because. in standard english we say the word because. in home language we sometimes drop the be and just say 'cause. give examples of when it both words can be used. create a t-chart of home language vs. academic english comparing sentnces that use the word 'cause and because. example from the book: "Cause i-am-chocolate!"
Day 2:
-review vocabulary words. go over shades of meaning of words and how words have synonyms that mean slightly different things. write down synonyms for some of the vocabulary words on index cards and have students work in groups to put them in order of which means less and which means more, like a thermometer. examples:
(Squirmed, wiggled, jiggled, fidget, squiggled, twitched)
(giggled, laughed, chuckled, cackeled, snickered)
(delicious, delectable, good, yummy, scrumptious, pleasant)
-do a book walk of chocolate me. have students make predictions about the story and think-pair-share with their partner.
Day 3:
-briefly review vocabulary words that go with the story.
-Reread chocolate me. discuss the message of the story: love who you are, even if you look different.
-have students think-pair-share how the boy must have felt when the other kids were pointing out his differences. take a look at the illustrations and take a look at his face that help depict what the boy is feeling.
-think-pair-share the character's physical appearance. complete a bubble map of the character's physical attributes.
DAY 4:
-Do charades to review the vocabulary words. pick a student to act the out the meaning of a word and have the class guess what word they are acting out and repeat the process.
-remind the students that yesterday they were talking about the character's physical attributes.
-today, they will be exploring the character traits. complete a bubble map of the different feelings and traits the character potrays through out the story.
Day 5:
-Have students discuss with their classmates the physical attributes that make them who they are. curly hair, straight hair, brown eyes, blue eyes, etc.
-students should fill in their attributes in their own bubble map.
-have students write about their attributes.
-students will complete a self-portrait to go along with their writing.