Vocabulary words
-soaring -glide -harbor -swooping -flock
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
=Students will be able to communicate the story elements: characters, settings, and plot.
Day 1
-introduce vocabulary words for the week. have students do vocabulary squares (frayer model). students will work in groups of four and each group will be given a poster paper with the outline of the frayer model. students will work in their groups to complete the poster.
-students will then do a gallery walk to see the other vocabulary words. Leave the posters up for the rest of the week.
-ask students about their grandparents: what do they call them? what do they like to do with them? how do they spend their time together?
-let them know thatthis week they will be reading a book about a little girl and her abuela (grandmother) and their adventure around the city.
Day 2
-review vocabulary words. Have students walk around in their groups from the previous day to review the vocabulary squares.
-remind students that this week they are reading a book about a little girl's adventure with her abuela.
-do a book walk of the story. ask students what they predict the story is going to be about as they take a look at the pictures, chart students responses.
-read, abuela, as a whole group reviewing the class's predictions.
-have students discuss the main characters and the setting with their elbow partner. chart students responses.
-go over the the events in the story.
Day 3
-to review vocabulary words have students complete their own vocabulary squares, coming up with new sentences and illustrations.
-reread abuela to the class.
-review the story elements chart with the students and the events in the story.
-have students draw a picture of the setting and have them write their favorite part of the story.
-have students share their picture of the setting with their elbow partner to help them discuss the setting.
Day 4
-to review vocabulary words have students play charades. one student acts out the meaning of the words while the rest of the class tries to guess what word is being acted out. students can either do a shout out of the word or can raise their hand to share the answer.
-in the story the little girl goes on an adventure with her abuela. have students think-pair-share an adventure they have taken with a grandparent.
-have students compare and contrast the things that the little girl did with her abulea and the things they do. use a double bubble map to record the similarities and differences.
Day 5
-review the vocabulary words with the class.
-have the students think about the adventure they have taken with their grandparents.
-have students write about the adventure using the character and setting.
-Students will paint their adventure.