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Vocabulary Words
-scrambled             -spongy            - collects             -hatched                   -nibbling         -soars 

Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.

Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.



-students will be able to compare and contrast characters in the story. 

-students will be able to compare and contrast events in the story. 

Day 1: 

-introduce vocabulary words and meanings as a whole group. have students work with a partner to complete vocabulary squares. they are to find the meaning of the word, part of speech, write a sentence, find a synonym and/or antonym ,and do an illustration of the meaning of the word, 

-to hook students ask them, what are some of the things that they do with their grandparents on the weekeends. have students discuss with their elbow partner their responses. Chart students responses on chart paper. 

-tell them that this week they will be reading a story about a girl who tells us about the adventures that she has with her grandparents. her grandparents who are of european decent and her abuelito y abuelita who are of mexican decent. ask students to share if they have grandparents from different countries. 

Day 2: 

-Review vocabulary words with students. introduce word families to students. go over root words and suffixes. do a tree map to note all of the word families. 

examples: (scramble, scrambled, scrambling, scrambles)

                  (collect, collected, collects, collecting)

                  (hatch, hatches, hatched, hatching)

-Do a book walk of the book, I love saturdays y domingos. Ask students to make predictions of what they think the story is going to be about. Take a look at the illustrations the types of activities that the little girl does with her grandparents. 

-Review what the students in the class said they do with the grandparents on the weekends. 

- tell students that this week they are going to be exploring the similarities between her grandparents, and her abuelito y abuelita. 

-Start reading the story to the students stopping to ask the students, what are some things she does on saturdays with her grandparents and she does on domingos with her abuelito y abuelita. 

Day 3: 

-review vocabulary words. have students use their vocabulary squares to review the words and the meanings with one another. 

-review that this week they are going to be comparing the things that the girl does on saturdays and sundays with each set of grandparents. 

- Ask: who does she visit on saturdays and who does she visit on sundays?

            What are some activities that she does on saturdays?

            What are soem activities that she does on sunday?

-introduce a double bubble map and exaplain how in the middle will go all of the similarities in both days, and on the outside bubbles will go all of the differences between the days. 

-in the middle belong all of the similarities. Have students share with thie elbow partner all of the similarities in the days. for example, both sets of grandparents are happy to see her (show example from the text), she has breakfast with both sets of grandparents. 

-have students either write the phrases or draw pictures depending on their ability. 

-have students come up with more things that are the same with their elbow partner and fill in their sheets. 

Day 4: 

-have students play charades to review vocabulary words. one student chooses a word to act out and the rest of the class tries to guess what word they are acting out. have the students continue to take turns until they have reviewed all of the words. 

-go over the story that they read the previous day and the events that took place in the story. remind the students that this weeks they are comparing and contrasting events that took place on saturdays and sundays. 

-yesterday the class found the similarities. today they will be finding the differences in the activities. 

-Reread the story so that students could focus on the differences between the two days. 

-model for the students one day. for example, at her grandparents house she eats milk, scrambled eggs, and pancakes and her with her abuelito and abuelita she has papaya juice and a plate of eggs called huevos rancheros. 

-have students make a silent appointment, where they use eye contact and non verbal cues like a thumb up) to find a partner. with that partner they are to discuss and find more differences between saturday with the grandparents and domingos with abuelito and abuelita. 

- students are to fill in the rest of their double bubble map. 

Day 5:

-students are to quiz each other on the vocabulary words and meanings of them. 

-have students discuss the things that they wrote on the double bubble maps. using vocabulary that compares and contrasts. For example, both days were similiar because. on saturday she                                              and on saturday she 

-now, students will again discuss some of the things that they do with their grandparents. 

-have students write about the things that they enjoy doing with their grandparents and then have them illsutrate their writing. 






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