I Love My Hair!
Vocabulary words
-tangled -tugging -weave -teased -winding
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
-students will be able to identify character traits.

Day 1:
-introduce vocabulary words and their meanings.
-have students start working on vocabulary squares with a partner. have students make a silent appointment to find a partner.
Silent appointment: students communicate non-verbally, using eye contact to find a partner. students are to look at each other and nod head to ensure that they have a partner. once they have made eye contact on teacher signal students are to stand up and put a hand up and link hands with their partner.
Day 2:
-Review vocabulary words. Allow students to finish their vocabulary squares if they have not done so yet.
-do a four coners activity: in each corner a different type of hair. Possible choices: curly hair, straight hair, long hair, short hair. have students to walk to the corner that matches their hair type.
-Introduce the book, I love my hair. have students discuss the different types of hair that there are in the classroom.
-Do a book walk and have students make predictions about what is going to happen in the story. Students are to think-pair-share their responses.
-Read the book, stopping periodically to check for understanding of the story.
Day 3:
-review vocabulary words with the class as a whole group.
-reread the story, i love my hair, to the class. have students think about how they might think she feels about her hair. what happens when she wears he hair Afro style? what does she mean she said, "my head felt heavy and i let it hang down low"?
-have students share the different ways that keyana can wear her hair.
-discuss character traits with the class.
-have students think-pair-share the character traits that keyana exhibits. for example, Keyana is brave, because she wears her hair any style she likes even when other kids tease her.
-students will comple a bubble map with the different character traits of keyana.
Day 4:
-have students do charades to go over vocabulary words. a student chooses a word to act out and the rest of the class tries to guess what word they are acting out. the actor can choose the person to guess the word, if that student is correct then he/she gets to act out a different word.
-students will share the bubble map that they created the previous day with their partner to review the character traits.
-Teacher will model writing about a character trait and why. for example, keyana is courageous because she wears her hair any way that she wishes no matter what anybody thinks. students will pick one character trait to write about using the same sentence frame used by the teacher.
Day 5:
-students will create a self protrait of themselves and their hair. students can choose from yarn or construction paper to create their hair.