El Barrio

-sparkling -swollen -bursting -shimmering -blaring
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
-Students will be able to use the illustrations to use the ullstrations to help them describe the setting and the events of the story.
Day 1
-introduce vocabulary words for the week. Have students do vocabulary squares with their cooperative groups. one square will have the word, the next square will have the definition and the part of the speech, the third square will have a sentence, and the last square will have an illustration.
-start talking about celebrations that their families take part in. Examples: birthdays, weddings, baptisms, quienceaneras.
-have them think-pair-share the types of celevrations that their family has and the types of rituals that take place.
-discuss some of the things that take place at the celebrations. for examples, families get together, there is sometimes music and dancing, there is food, etc.
Day 2
-review vocabulary words. have students continue working on their vocabulary squares. have them share what they have with their elbow partner.
-introduve the book of the week, El Barrio. do a book walk of the story, have students look at the illustrations and make predictions about the events in the story.
-have students think-pair-share their predictions and chart student responses.
-Start reading, el barrio, stopping through out the story to check if the student responses were right.
-while reading the story have students use the illustrations to talk about the meanings of some of the spanish words in the story.
Day 3
-review vocabulary words. have the students discuss the meanings of words with their elbow partner.
-reread, el barrio, going over the characters, setting, and events in the story.
-have students discuss with their elbow partner the different events in the story. after the students discuss, have the students do a flow map activity where they will record the setting, characters, and the sequence of events.
-students can either write or draw the different story elements.
-When talking about the sequence of events have students use words such as: first, next, last.
Day 4
-to review vocabulary words have students play charades with the vocabulary words. one student acts out one of the words, and the rest of the class tries to guess the word that the student is acting out.
-go over the events in the story, el barrio, and the components of the quienceanera.
-have students remember the different celebrations they had discussed earlier in the week.
-go over the similarities and differences between the celebrations.
-use a venn diagram to chart the similarities and differences. have the students write one similarity and one difference.
Day 5
-have the students do a writing about one of their favorite celebrations that their family does.
-once the students are done with their writing, have students do an illustration to go along with thier writing.